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Amy Mitchell Commissioner District 1 Re-election Campaign.

My passion for our mountain pioneer spirit and a desire to help us retain our quality of life motivated me to run for Park County Commissioner, District 1 in 2020. My years of business experience and understanding of conservative principles prepared me to serve you. My service to Park County as the Commissioner for District 1 has been the honor of my life. I have achieved some success and have more work to do on behalf of Park County.  

I now have over three years’ experience and am ready to work hard for another four years representing you. As Chair of the BOCC I conduct a civil and respectful meeting. To name just a few accomplishments: I instituted holding an invocation at the beginning of the BOCC meetings before the pledge of allegiance. I have established effective communication channels needed to get results. I have had success in getting two important bills passed; SB24-058 modifying the Colorado Recreational Use Statute to further protect property owners who allow recreation on their land. And SB23-059, a bill that requested grant funding to replace the county roads that provide access to Eleven Mile and Spinney. The bill was turned into a study by the State, but I am at the table working with the company performing the study and with The Division of Natural Resources working the problem.   

First and foremost, I will continue to fight for Park County, to maintain our rural, independent quality of life. To thoroughly prepare and thoughtfully vote on land use and public hearings that potentially impact private property rights of you, the residents of Park County. I support TABOR and will strive to control the growth of government. I recognize taxes are your hard-earned money and will take no more than what is needed to run frugal services. I will continue to push back against heavy-handed state and federal government and work during the state legislative session to minimize the damage that can be done from bad bills that do not consider the impact on rural mountain counties. 

I passionately support our Colorado and United States Constitutions and our founding principles of less government, more freedom. These principles provide the foundation for my decision-making.

I pledge my knowledge, skills, ability, and work ethic to continue to serve you as District 1 Commissioner. I will continue to represent all corners of Park County and understand the unique challenges throughout the County. I will fight for limited government to protect your quality of life. I am asking for your vote at the Park County Republican County Assembly and the Republican Primary Election.

For more information about what I have been doing on behalf of Park County, my web site is

Yours in liberty and freedom,

Amy Mitchell

P.O. Box 484

Lake George CO 80827


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Paid for By: Amy Mitchell for Commissioner
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